“The Unicorn Project started by Angelica Harris is an extraordinary Non Profit helping Children and Families achieve their Academic Dreams” says Sondra Faye Multi-Media Artist and Children’s Author Illustrator.
It’s happening on December 16, 2018 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST at Excalibur Reading Program located at 80-17 78th Ave, Glendale, New York 11385 In full support of Excalibur Reading Program / The Unicorn Project guest author artist Sondra Faye writer and illustrator of the Children’s book “Grumbles” will be on location signing booksfor this Christmas Fund Raiser. In addition guest author Lucy Molina who has written “The Empty Swing” will be there and the fund raising event will be held at Angelica Harris’s Excalibur Reading Program, a non-profit organization that brings the significance of education, and the arts to all children, young adults and adults continuing their education, as well as to organizations dedicated to children with special needs. Angelica will be signing her new book “Titanic The Brothers Peracchio-Two Boys and a Dream” and her comic book “The Crusaders”. This fundraiser gives the local community a chance to meet Children’s book authors and purchase their books for a great Holiday Gift for any child or adult in your family.
For More Information please go to: ExcaliburReadingProgram.org
The Excalibur Reading Program (a 501 ( c ) (3) non for profit) is for all children, especially those of impoverished means, or who have special needs. The program works with children who have IEPs and those sent to us by the Department of Education for extra help. Its subsidiary The Unicorn Project-Raven’s Hope was founded to help families in crisis.

and help support The Unicorn Project